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·Stone Forest Of Yunnan  ·Enhe Landscape, InnerMongolia  ·China well-known place for rape Zijia  ·Silver jewelry of Hmong in China  ·Guiyang Qingyan Ancient Town: one of the most fascinating cultural town in China  ·Yanji City landscape, Jilin Province  ·Erotic China's top ten wonderful scenery: old poplar  ·Shouxihu Lake in Yangzhou  ·Millennium puzzle: Ancient Egyptian Pyramids  ·Yixing Zishahu  ·Xiamen City landscape, Fujing Province  ·Modern ports of images for the Sixtieth Anniversary of People's Republic of China to celebration  ·Henan opera: one of the most influential operas in China  ·La Digue, Seychelles  ·Heijing Ancient Town  
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